lunes, 20 de julio de 2009

Poas Volcano

Poas Volcano has the third biggest crater of World, with 4.265 Ft. of diameter and 984 Ft of depth. Like is not active volcano, you can be on the crater side and take amazing photos with the crater back to you and to the Caribbean coast too. Is Also enjoyable the beautiful clouding forest, that make of these trips, unforgotten. Into the Poas National Park is easy enjoy the picturesque flora, the spectacular Museum, gift store, the Bottos Lagoon trail and the Volcano. Toward on this tour is included the visit of The Peace Waterfall. The place has Serpentarium, butterflies farm, Ranarium, the Peace House; aviary (birds rescue center), hummingbird’s garden, flowers and orchid collections, walking trails, restaurant and the five beautiful waterfalls of all country.

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